Broughton 9 months old
I am so behind on my blog! Broughton turned 9 months old on March 20! He is definitely becoming a little boy.....he hardly ever seems like a "baby". He finally got his 6 month shots just a week before turning 9 months old. At that appointment, he was 20lbs. The Dr. said that he hasn't gained weight because he is burning so many calories by crawling and moving around so much. And boy does he ever!
He is definitely going to be one of those kids that "gets into everything"! He is so different from Addison. With her, I never had to worry about her climbing anything, flushing anything down the toilet, playing with outlets, etc. I can so picture Broughton doing all of these things! In fact, just last night, he was trying just as hard as he could to pull the outlet protector plugs out! Thankfully, he was unsuccessful!
He is wearing mostly size 12m clothes and is just getting into size 4 diapers. At 9 months, he still drinks 4-5 formula/breastmilk mixed bottles/day and eats baby food 3-4 times/day. He loves puffs most any time. In the past few days, we have started giving him more "real" food. He has had sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, peas, baked beans, lima beans, peaches, spaghetti, chicken pastry, grapes, bananas, and blueberries. He has loved them all!
He isn't walking yet, but he will stand all by himself! He will walk pretty good while holding onto your hands.
We were able to ween him off of his acid reflux medicine completely...major praise report! We are so excited about this! Finally, he doesn't show any signs of acid reflux pain! Thank-you, God!!!
Also, he doesn't spit-up nearly as much as he used to! We rarely even put a bib on him, although with his teeth coming in, he does drool a bit. He has 2 teeth on the bottom, 2 on the top, and 2 more on the top that have almost broken through the skin. I think I see 2 more on the bottom coming close to the surface too :)
He has the sweetest smile and is the most affectionate baby I have ever met! He will snuggle with anyone who holds him! It is so sweet!
He is definitely a "thinker", as Addison is. Although he has the sweetest smile, it may take you a while to get one out of him (unless he is in the comfort of his own home, where his smiles and laughter are endless!)
He does love his mommy, daddy, and sissy! His face lights up when any of us come into the room....and at times, he cries instantly when any of us leave the room. Ha!
He is no longer interested in his jumper. He likes any kind of "walker" toy; anything he can push. He does really well walking behind a walker!
He no longer sits in his baby seat in the tub. I honestly would've taken it away a long time ago, but since he takes a bath with his sister (who is not always as gentle as she should be), he has been safer in it. But when he started trying to wiggle his way out of it, I decided it was time to just let him splash around like a big boy!
For some reason, he thinks it is hilarious when he puts his finger in your mouth. He laughs so hard when he does it!
He loves for you to push him in his little car outside and he loves to swing!
(Landon being silly!)
He is starting to get into all the cabinets at home, and at daycare! He claps now and sometimes you can get him to wave at you.
Unfortunately, he still gets up most nights for one more bottle. Thankfully, he will go right back to sleep, but I look forward to the day when he will sleep all night every night (or at least most every night)! We had to lower his crib about a month ago because he pulls himself up and "walks" all around in there.
We have had to do some major "sleep training" recently. This is something that we never had to do with Addison. She wanted to sleep in her crib. I can remember times when I just wanted to hold her for a little while and rock her to sleep, but she wouldn't let me. She would practically lunge for her crib if you got anywhere near it. Broughton, on the other hand, would sleep in your arms all night every night if you let him. We got in the bad habit of letting him fall asleep in our arms and then putting him down in his crib. Well, when he got to the point where he wouldn't fall asleep in our arms so easily/early, we knew we had to make a change....hence the sleep training. The first night was horrible! But surprisingly, by night 3, he pretty much didn't have a problem putting himself to sleep in his own crib. It hasn't been perfect ever since then, and sometimes it takes longer than others, but overall, I think he's doing great with it! I have so many more pictures I want to add, but they will have to wait....or he'll be 10 months old before I finish this 9 month post. ha! Hopefully I'll have some time to do some catching up soon! HAPPY 9 MONTHS BROTHER!!!
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