18 Months!
Our sweet baby girl is now a year and a half old!!! I like to call her Little Miss Independent! She thinks she is so grown, and in a lot of ways, I guess she is. She certainly isn't a baby anymore. She has grown a lot over the last month. I haven't checked her height or weight, but all of her shirts are suddenly too short and her shoes are getting too small. She wears mostly 24m clothes and size 5 shoes. She will not let me help her carry her lunchbox and her paper to and from daycare every day...
She still is a great eater and sleeper....praise God! She is finally letting me help her brush her teeth...we have been fighting over this one for a while. She has started learning to blow her nose in a tissue...you may not think this is blog-worthy, but let me tell you...it is exciting to her mama. She has 16 teeth, only 4 more to go. She currently has a double ear infection, but you would never know it...it hasn't slowed her down a bit, and Lord knows it hasn't affected her appetite...that child eats like a grown man sometimes! She loves her new booster seat because her "baby" can eat with her. Here is take 1 of Addison and baby eating oatmeal:
Take 2, after we told her to say "cheese"...
She asks to take a bath all the time. She runs everywhere she goes. She is suddenly super interested in Sadie, our beagle. Unfortunately, Sadie does not share her same enthusiasm. She lets her pet her for about .2 seconds and then she's gone. We have been teaching her to do different faces lately. It is so funny! This is the best video we could get of it the other night. I'll definitely have to get a better one later, but this is all I could get so far. We couldn't stop laughing in the video b/c I have no idea where she got her "angry face" from???....
She has been speaking in sentences from time to time lately. Most recently, she has said, "I want more fruit snacks." and "Where's my jacket?" But the sweetest of all, by far, was when I was putting her to bed 2 nights ago and she randomly said, "Addison's daddy's little girl." Thankfully Adam heard her. It truly was priceless!
Happy half birthday, sweet girl!!
That is too cute!!