Burlington Christmas Fun
We stopped by Mamaw and Pawpaw's house first. We let Addison ride in her jammies so she would be comfortable for the long ride. She sat on Mamaw's lap and laughed at her dog, Millie...
Chillin' with Papa...
We finally got dressed in the Christmas outfit that Mamaw bought Addison:
Connor was cute in his little "I don't do Mistletoe" shirt:
Lindsey and Lukey Luke:
Christmas Sugar:
Michelle helping her boys put together their new toys:
Two tired pups. Phoenix on top and Millie down below:
Fun with Daddy:
Peyton, Landon, and Stephen:
Kessler and Connor:
Gladys and Mamaw:
Clyde and Steve:
Mindy and Addison:
Landon showing off his new Nerf blaster:
Peyton checking out his new toy:
Bobby and Luke:
We all had a great time!! And the three of us got some awesome gifts. This is one of my favorites that Addison got from Mamaw and Pawpaw:
This outfit was pretty darn cute too:
And this one from the Blacks...precious:
Adam and I got a Kodak PlaySport.
It's basically like a Flip Video, but is waterproof. I am trying to learn how to use it so I can post more videos up here....and hopefully get them to actually open! We also got a gift card to Lowe's, which ALWAYS comes in handy! Thanks Burlinton crowd! See you all soon!
I love her Christmas outfit and the ECU smocked dress!!