
Showing posts from 2010

Burlington Christmas Fun

Last weekend, we went to Burlington to celebrate Christmas with my mom's family.  As always, we had tons of fun with the Burlington crowd.  I am sad that the trip was so quick, though!  Next year, maybe it will be easier to stay the night.    We stopped by Mamaw and Pawpaw's house first.  We let Addison ride in her jammies so she would be comfortable for the long ride.  She sat on Mamaw's lap and laughed at her dog, Millie... Chillin' with Papa... We finally got dressed in the Christmas outfit that Mamaw bought Addison: Connor was cute in his little "I don't do Mistletoe" shirt:  Lindsey and Lukey Luke: Allen: Christmas Sugar:  Mama: Michelle helping her boys put together their new toys: Two tired pups.  Phoenix on top and Millie down below:  Fun with Daddy: Peyton, Landon, and Stephen:  Kessler and Connor:  Gladys and Mamaw: Clyde and Steve:   Mindy and Addison: Landon showing off h...

Snow Cream Recipes, Please :)

Over the course of the day, we have gotten between 8-10 inches of snow in Winterville, NC!  This winter has already been an unusual one, with this being our 3rd snow of the season.  Everyone gets so excited about snow around here because pretty much everything shuts down and it is ALL PLAY!  One of the most exciting things for me is the SNOW CREAM!!!  I would love it if you guys would share your snow cream recipes with me!  I want to try something different.  I typically just mix snow, eagle brand milk, and regular milk.  It is Yummy, but my dear husband forgot to pick up some eagle brand milk from Walmart today before they closed.  So, I need another recipe.  Please share before the beautiful snow melts  :)  Thanks!!

Addison is 5 months old today!

To celebrate the beautiful snow we have been getting here all day, I dressed Addison in her "Snow Adorable" shirt for her 5 month picture... Wow, 5 months old!  One, two, three, and four months sound so little.  But 5 months is close to 6 months and 6 months doesn't sound so little anymore.  Tears.  Where does the time go?  Addison is such a good little baby!  We are so thankful to our Dear Lord for blessing us with our sweet baby girl.  These past 5 months have been a whirl wind, but we will forever cherish every moment!  About Addison lately.... she had baby squash for the first time yesterday and LOVED it!  We started giving her rice cereal at 4 months.  It was so funny.  She wouldn't open her mouth the first day.  Then, the second day, she wouldn't close her mouth.  It took her 4-5 days before she actually was swallowing it good.  Once she figured that out, there was no turning back!  Once the first box o...

Christmas Cards

This was our first year sending Christmas cards.  We sent out a lot, but there were a few addresses that we couldn't get in time and then we ran out of cards.  I will be more prepared next year!  For those of you who didn't get a card, my apologies!  Here are the pictures that we picked from...  Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!!

Addison talking with her paci in

When I laid Addison down in her crib last night, she went to talking.  It was too cute!  She looks wide awake, but was fast asleep about 10 minutes after this.  Enjoy!


Sorry I haven't blogged a lot recently.  I have been exhausted...And here's the picture to prove it... Adam took this picture a few nights ago.  I don't even know what time it was.  Some time in "the middle of the night".  It was one of those nights that Addison's cough kept the entire household up...even Griffon and Sadie.  I know this picture is not at all flattering, but I think it is just hilarious.  You can tell we were both plum-T pooped.  I think I fell asleep when I was trying to burp her.  Too bad he didn't get a close-up shot of the drool that was on her head when I woke up.  Ha!  Unfortunately, that was not a joke  :) Anyways, I will be playing catch up soon so stay tuned!

Dr follow-up appointment

Addison had a follow-up Dr appt on Friday.  The Dr said that her chest sounded the same but she expected it to.  She said that there was some kind of bronchial thing going around that lasts 2-3 weeks :(  Because she is still under the weather, we rescheduled her shots.  She has had a couple of long nights where her coughing has kept her up (and kept mommy and daddy up) but the last couple nights have been much better.  During the day, she doesn't act like she feels bad at all though, and we are thankful for that!  She is still doing her little albuterol inhaler, which she is not a fan of.  We will certainly be glad when this little bug passes but we're not gonna let it get us down, are we Addison?..... No way, Mommy! 

Birthday Celebrations

Saturday was my mom's birthday.  Any of  you that know my family could probably guess what we did to celebrate....cook spaghetti!  That is our dinner of choice for EVERY occasion  :)  We went to Michelle's house to celebrate.  Daddy playing rough with the boys....they LOVE IT!... Birthday hugs... Sunday night we went to Jane-Jane and Geralds to celebrate more birthdays and had another yummy meal.  Gerald's birthday was Dec 7.  Amy's birthday is Dec 14 and Jane's birthday is Dec 21.  Wonder when Baby Perry's birthday will be?????? Maybe Dec 28???  Only time will tell!!! The birthday boy (with his little doodle-bug):  The birthday girls (with doodle-bug #2)... Happy Birthday everyone!!!