
Showing posts from October, 2013

Broughton, 16 months old!!!

So, this post was originally titled "Broughton, 15 months old".....but it's been so long since I started it that he is now 16 months old!!!  My, oh my, how time truly FLIES!!!!  Now, lets see if I can finish before he turns 17 months old! .... This kid is such a mess!  ...and such a big boy!  He is in the 100% for length and 85% for weight.  The doctor told us at his 15 month check-up that he is going to be tall....I'll believe that when I see it...not too many "tall" folks in our families.  I swear he is abnormally strong though...and HEAVY!!! Look at him, making pink look good...ha.  (Addison insists on riding in the black carseat.  We decided that was not a battle worth fighting.  Broughton could care less.) Ever since he was about 9 months old he has seemed like a "boy"...and not a "baby".  I think it's mainly because he tries to keep up with his sister.  Jumping off things, climbing, running...and he says so many t...