
Showing posts from February, 2011

7 Months Old!

 Our little baby girl turned 7 months old yesterday.  What a fun, exciting, tiring, rewarding, sweet, busy, scary, joyous, and awesome 7 months it has been!  Not a lot has changed since my last "update blog-growing like a weed".  She does seem to get a little bigger every day, though.  She is wearing 9 month clothes and 1-2 size shoes.  She is still wearing size 3 diapers.  She has tried lots more foods, and so far, so good!  Thank you, Jesus!  She has 4 bottles per day when she is home, but normally has 5 bottles per day on daycare days.  We stopped giving her breastmilk and her skin has been so much better ever since!  I still have a freezer full of breastmilk, but I may be able to donate it!!  I will blog about that when I find out more...I am so excited!  She is still hasn't mastered crawling.  She still loves the dogs, the bathtub, her jumper, and anything crazy.  She still loves to clap and wave. ...

Burlington trip and more!

Addison and I have had a very busy weekend so far, but we sure have enjoyed it!  First we headed to Mamaw and Pawpaw's house Friday with my mom (Grandma Sue-Sue).  Mamaw and Pawpaw were not the only ones that were happy to see Addison... I love this little face she has been making a lot lately... This morning we got a surprise visit from Pa-pa!  Pa-pa is so silly! The three of us went to Home Depot and Lowe's then picked us up some lunch.  After lunch, Addison finally laid down for a nap.  We had to wake her early though, to go to Kade's 1st birthday party!  I forgot to take my camera in, but I don't think Katie  will mind if I "borrow" a couple from her blog :)  Here's a picture of Kade and his mommy... He had the cutest little John Deere theme.  I think he'll grow up to be a good ole' country boy like his daddy! Here's a picture of some of the babies at the party.  The plan was to get a picture of just the babies, but that didn'...

Spring Fever!

This weekend has given me a serious case of spring fever!  We have actually been able to go outside and it has been great!!  I took Addison for a stroll around the farm... She loved it, but we couldn't stay out long because of the crazy wind.  We soaked up what little bit of sun we could though!  Then we headed back in the house for more play time.  Addison looked so cute in her little pirate top so I just HAD to take some pictures...  I finally got her to hold her she just has to learn how to "turn it up".  Ha!  Baby steps, baby steps!  After all that playing, we had to go to town to run a couple of errands.  By the time we got back home we were both pooped.  We didn't even hear Adam come home...we were fast asleep! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we did! 



Visitors, yay!

Yesterday me, Adam, and Addison had lots of visitors. My mom and dad stopped by to see a special little girl. They bought us supper from Parker's BBQ which was yummy! Addison had so much fun playing with her Sue-Sue and Pa-pa! Shortly after my mom and dad arrived, Amy, Chris, and Hayden stopped by for a while. What a treat! Thanks for visiting everyone!!! Please come back soon!!!

Somewhere on the Creek

Just wanted to share a few pictures that Adam snapped somewhere on the creek after the beautiful snow a few weeks ago.  Kearney Girls Photography just might have to hire him!  :) I just love country living!  Simple, quiet, beautiful country living!

Growing like a weed!

I don't quite know when or how it happened, but Addison is suddenly such a big girl!  I swear it happened over night.  Just a few days ago she was wearing 6 month clothes, but this weekend I couldn't fit a single 6 month outfit on her...sleepers, onesies, pants...they are all too short!  But not only that, she is all of a sudden doing so many new things.  She learned how to clap and wave last Thursday night.  When I picked her up from daycare on Friday, they said she clapped and waved all day long.  She doesn't wave when you say "bye-bye", though....just when you say "hey!".  She is trying so hard to crawl.  She gets closer and closer every night.  She ends up moving backwards instead of forwards, but I think she'll figure it out soon.  Her and Griffy have really been buddies lately.  We started taking her in places without her carseat, which makes her seem like a big girl.  I guess it's a big deal when you're used to lugging ...